Major Purchase Policy

Major Purchase Policy

Effective June 1, 2007


Some homeowners are concerned that they do not have the opportunity to provide input to large purchases and/or decisions made by the Trustees.


The Code of Regulations state that the Trustees shall manage and conduct the business and affairs of the Association. Association Members may vote on the election of Trustees, the removal of Trustees, Changes to the By-Laws, and Changes to the Deed Restrictions. In order to facilitate communication with the home owners, the Trustees will follow the policies below.


  1. The primary communication to the homeowners concerning Association business will be the Association Meetings and the Association website.

  2. Association Meeting Minutes will be published on the Association website.

  3. Plans for Trustee spending over $5,000 for non-emergency services or products that are not line-itemized in the budget will follow the following process:

    • The plans will be brought to the Association in an Association Meeting.

    • A committee will be formed to research and provide a recommendation to the Trustees.
      The committee will be made up of interested Association Members and at least one Trustee.
      The committee will present its findings at an Association Meeting.

    • The committee recommendation will be posted on the Association website.

    • The Trustees will consider the committee’s recommendations and other input provided by experts and other interested parties.

    • Trustee decision will be posted on the Association website.

    • Trustee decision will be final.

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