Green (Solar & Wind) Energy Policy

Green (Solar & Wind) Energy Policy


Installation or Alterations of any energy collection and or generation device(s) must be approved in writing by the HOA Board Architecture Review Board.


  1. Wind Turbines: No wind powered electrical collecting devices (i.e. turbines / windmills or other devices) will be allowed that are used for the purpose of energy generation, and are prohibited on the Property.

  2. Solar:

    1. Senate Bill 61 prevents HOAs from restricting the use of solar panels but allows for reasonable aesthetic restrictions. Solar Energy Collection Devices, as defined by Ohio Revised Code 5312.16 (“SECD”), including, but not limited to, solar panels, must be installed in a rear-facing, roof-mounted array; except as otherwise provided, installations that are visible from the street associated with the Lot’s address are prohibited. For purposes of corner Lots, the “rear” roof is in relation to the front door. SECD are not permitted to be mounted anywhere on the Lot except the rear roof. All installations are prohibited until the Board approves the request in writing.

    2. Accommodations will be made if the rear of the dwelling unit faces north, and the Owner can provide evidence from a professional installer that the SECD would be at least 25% less efficient if installed on the rear of the dwelling unit than on the sides of the roof. In such circumstances, an Owner will be granted permission to install the SECD on the side of the roof.

    3. All components of the SECD must be compatible with the design of the dwelling.  For purposes of this guideline, examples of compatibility include, but are not limited to, the following:  the color of the SECD system components must be the same color of the dwelling roof shingles to the greatest extent practical.  Photovoltaic / solar “shingles” that mimic the look of a composite shingle are acceptable but must match the color of the current dwelling roof shingles as much as is practical. Piping, electrical connections, or other lines or wires must be located directly under the system and/or alongside the perimeter of the system, when possible, and placed as inconspicuously as possible so that there is no exposed piping, electrical connections, or other lines or wires when viewed from all angles of the Lot. The highest point of a SECD array must be at least two feet lower than the ridge of the roof where it is attached. The SECD must be installed in an uninterrupted rectangular pattern, and at an angle that is parallel to the angle of the roof.

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