Property Update and Maintenance Policy

Property Update and Maintenance Policy

Effective February 2020


Homeowners are confused about the expectations specified in the Deed Restrictions regarding maintenance of their homes.

The section of the VAC HOA Deed Restrictions that apply to this policy are:

  • Section 2.11

All Owners, including the Owners of unoccupied Lots hereunder, shall at all times keep and maintain the part of the Property which they own in orderly manner, shall cause weeds and other growth to be kept neatly cut, and shall prevent the accumulation of rubbish and debris on the part of the Property which they own.


The following better defines what “orderly manner” means and explains how it will be enforced.


  1. Annual inspections of properties throughout the community will occur during the warmer months. These inspections will be looking for various items that violate our Deed Restrictions. One item will be the exterior condition of the home and property, including but not limited to flowerbeds, grass, trees, etc.

    1. All residents have the ability, indeed the responsibility, to notify the Board of Trustees when a property is not being properly maintained. Residents should use the Contact HOA Trustees option to notify the Board of Trustees and the Management Company.  Notifications are anonymous. Note however, if a case went to court for some reason, the court may require the reporting resident to testify, in which case anonymity is lost.

    2. Recognize that it can take some time for a homeowner to correct a violation. The HOA follows a set procedure (see our Enforcement Policy) to obtain compliance. You may not see immediate results of your notification.  

  2. Grass should not be overgrown.  During the growing season grass should be mowed approximately one time each week. This will vary depending on the weather, of course. Spring time may require additional mowing. Dry periods may require less mowing.

  3. Weeds should be kept to a minimum. They should not overwhelm the yard or flowerbeds.

  4. Flowerbeds should be maintained. Edging where the flowerbed meets the grass should be defined. Plantings should be trimmed. Dead plantings and trees should be removed (NOTE: any tree with a trunk diameter larger than 6” requires prior approval of the HOA before being removed. An Application for Exterior Modification, which can be found on our website under Documents/Forms, needs to be completed and approved before removing the tree per Section 4.02 of the Deed Restrictions).

  5. Edging stones/pavers used to separate flowerbeds from lawn should not be falling over and in disrepair.

  6. Per Orange Township ordinance, trees with limbs overhanging sidewalks will be trimmed to a height of eight (8) feet. No limbs overhanging the sidewalks should be lower than eight (8) feet.  Inspections will not measure the limbs overhanging sidewalks to make certain they are at the 8 foot mark. But generally speaking, no one walking the sidewalks of our neighborhood should expect to be slapped in the face by a tree limb.

  7. Any plantings along the sidewalk should be trimmed such that they do not overhang the sidewalk. Nothing should impede the ability to safely and comfortably walk the sidewalks of our neighborhood.

  8. Sidewalks that have settled or have raised causing an elevation change of more than one (1) inch between sections need to be corrected. Sidewalk maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner.  This policy is in place to protect the safety of our neighbors and the liability of the homeowner.

  9. Paint on a home’s exterior trim should not be pealing. The paint should be clean and effectively seal trim boards. Note: a general rules of thumb states that trim should be painted every seven years, at least (and no, the HOA will not be counting!).

  10. Windows should not be broken.

  11. Gutters should be attached properly and not falling away from the house.

  12. Trim boards should not be missing or have holes or gaps.

  13. Every house experiences mold growth on the north side exterior. Some houses are worse than others. Mold should be removed annually. This can be accomplished by power washing the exterior or by using a product specifically designed to break down the mold, such as Wet & Forget Mold Mildew & Algae Stain Remover.

  14. Construction/building materials, trash, piles of leaves/grass clippings, skids, etc. should not be maintained anywhere on the exterior of a property.  These types of items should be put out for the next trash collection or disposed of properly. 

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