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  • Mailboxes need to be maintained by the homeowner per the Mailbox Policy. They must be the correct style, color, have black numbers on both sides, and kept in good condition.

  • Sidewalks in front or your home are your responsibility. Uneven or broken sidewalks are a walking hazard and create a liability!
    You need to arrange to have the necessary repairs made at your cost.
    The HOA requires you to level the concrete whenever the elevation between two blocks of concrete change by more than one and one-half inches, or the sidewalk violates the Township’s Sidewalk Policy.

  • Trees overhanging sidewalks must be trimmed to a height of eight feet per Orange Township.
    The homeowner is responsible for making sure your trees are in compliance with township requirements.
    Trim your trees so neighbors can walk the sidewalks without being hit by low hanging branches!​
    As a general rule, a person 6' tall should be able to walk with arms up without touching branches,
    whether he is on the inside or outside edge of the sidewalk!

  • Homes need to be maintained.

    • Lawns should be cut weekly during the cutting season.

    • Weeds should be kept to a minimum.

    • Flower beds should be weeded and edged periodically.

    • Mold growth should be removed from siding annually.

  • Dead cars are not to be maintained in the driveway or the street. Remove or repair them promptly.

  • Boats, trailers, campers, wave runners, trucks over one ton, etc. can not be parked in the driveway or anywhere on the lot for more than a 24 hour period.

    • The HOA board may grant an exception for extenuating circumstances. Please give us the board a heads up and we will work with you.

  • Free standingSheds shedsare not permitted

    • Do you want to have a shed? There is an amendment campaign to allow them (within architectural limits), but we have not collected enough votes for this to pass. Please be sure to vote!
