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Effective June 1February, 20202023

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Section 2.19 of the Deed Restrictions indicates “All mailboxes must conform to the standard in the subdivision.
The “standard” is defined below. Not following the standard will result in the Violation Assessments Policy being invoked.

  1. Only the Duffy Style 6x6 mailbox pictured here is allowed:

  2. Mailboxes must be kept in good condition at all times.

    1. The post must be level and plumb.

    2. The wooden parts must be properly attached and in good condition. Rotting/broken parts are to be replaced in a timely manner.

    3. The house numbers must be 4 inches in height, black, and attached to both sides of the house part of the mailbox (not attached to the post).

    4. The mailbox must be stained annually. The proper ONLY approved stain is Behr SC –146 Cedar (Base: 5013, Premium Solid Color Stain & Sealer) which can be purchased at Home Depot.

      1. A quart should be a sufficient quantity to paint the mailbox 2-3 times.

  3. There are a few options for repairing/replacing your Duffy mailbox:

    1. Trevor Stocker, aka The Mailbox Kid, can custom build a Duffy-like mailbox can be purchased from:out of PVC material with a wood-grain exterior. It looks just like the cedar version of the mailbox but should outlast cedar. He can also repair the post and other parts. Trevor lives in our community and offers a full-range of mailbox services from painting, replacing numbers, replacing parts, or a complete replacement. His phone number is 614-816-1671. His email address is, or visit his website at

    2. Cedar Craft Wood Products
      776 Reynoldsburg-New Albany Rd
      Jefferson Township, Ohio
      (614) 759-1600

    3. or
      The Mailbox Doctor

      There may be other retailers that sell this mailbox. But whatever you purchase it MUST be the Duffy 6x6 as pictured above.
      NOTE: Trevor Stocker, aka

  4. The

    Mailbox Kid, lives in our community and can paint, maintain, and replace your


    . His phone number is 614-816-1671. His email address is If you’d like to support this fine young person, give him a call.

    The mailbox must be located at the curb.

  5. If a homeowner has any questions about size, color or placement of mailboxes, they should contact the Architectural Review Committee.

  6. There is no need to submit an Application for Exterior Modification to repair/replace your mailbox.

Orange Township Wintertime Mailbox Repair or Replacement Policy
