Info |
Effective February 13, 2020 |
Certain types of vehicles CANNOT be parked in your driveway or on any lot in our community for more than 24 hours within a 10 day period. These types of vehicles must be in your garage or stored outside of our community.
This includes but is not limited to:Boat
Recreational Vehicle
Wave Runner
Dump truck or other heavy construction equipment
Box Truck
Pick-up Truck with more than four tires (aka Dualies and Tandem axle trucks)
Panel Van
Since you cannot have a shed or other unattached building on your property, the “other vehicle enclosure” described in the restrictions has no impact on our policy or its enforcement.
The Board recognizes there will be times when you need to store such items outside of your garage for more than a 24 hour period. We ask that you communicate those requirements to the Board ahead of time to avoid a Violation Notice and/or the assessment of fines. Communication can be done via the Contact Us page on our website ( or by contacting the management company by via email, U S Mail, or by phone. Approval of the Board must be obtained. Approval for more than a seven (7) day period will not be granted.If your automobile or motor-driven vehicle can NOTbe operated on a public highway, it MUST be stored in your garage or stored outside of our community. After the vehicle has set in your driveway or on any lot in our community for more than seven (7) days it will be considered a nuisance. Violation Notices will be sent to the homeowner and fines will be assessed per our Enforcement Policy. Legal action will be pursued at the owners owner's expense if the situation is not remedied via notices from the HOA.
Inoperable includes but is not limited to vehicles with:Flat tire(s)
Expired License plate
Mechanical failure that prevents the vehicle from functioning as designed
Body damage that prevents the vehicle from functioning as designed
The Board recognizes there may be circumstances when you need more than the seven (7) days spelled out in the deed restrictions to take care of an inoperable vehicle. We ask that you communicate those requirements to the Board ahead of time to avoid a Violation Notice and/or the assessment of a fine. Communication can be done via the Contact Us page on our website ( or by contacting the management company by via email, U S Mail, or by phone. Approval of the Board must be obtained. Approval of more than a thirty (30) day period will not be granted.