Info |
Effective October 27February 13, 20192020 |
Homeowners are not following the vehicle parking restrictions specified in the Deed Restrictions.
The section of the VAC HOA Deed Restrictions that apply to this policy are:
No truck over one ton, trailer, boat, camper, recreational or commercial vehicle shall be parked or stored on any Lot unless it is in a garage or other vehicle enclosure out of view from the street and abutting properties, provided, however, that nothing herein shall prohibit the occasional nonrecurring temporary parking of such truck, trailer, boat, camper, recreational vehicle or commercial vehicle on the premises for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours in any period of ten (10) days. No automobile or motor-driven vehicle shall be left upon any Lot for a period longer than seven (7) days in a condition wherein it is not able to be operated upon the public highway. After such period the vehicle shall be considered a nuisance and detrimental to the welfare of the above described real estate and shall be removed there from.
The following clarifies these restrictions.